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Tests before changes were made, get never modified!


2022-06-05 changed: The Free 200 configuration replaces the standard test configuration.
from No. 663359 new Tests

2020-07-13 new: New ways to restart strategy during testing. New standard test configuration!
This changes the checksums of the test configurations.
from No. 483868 new Tests

2019-04-18 changed: The configuration of the line 2.7% of volume and the spin balance are now separated.
This changes the checksums of the test configurations.
from No. 426366 new Tests

2017-02-10 changed: last chances - double numbers in the permanence are now excluded
from No. 296246 new Tests - Attention this update affects the results of existing strategies with the chances "last"!

2016-11-14 new: variance
from no. 283351 new tests

2016-10-30 new: spin balance for the balance chart
from no. 280130 new tests

2016-10-05 new: checksum for strategies and test configurations
from no. 274364 new tests

2016-08-23 new: on balance win

2016-08-08 new: The deletion time of tests is stored
from no. 257401 new tests

2016-04-09 changed: Run time Statistics in the bet log activated

2016-02-20 new: Live Mode

2015-11-28 changed: Every strategy has now 100 public tests. The histories show only the current trend.

2015-10-29 new: multiple on balance conditions

2015-10-05 new: Option "x Last"
from No. 161286 new Tests - All strategies have been changed to the new version. This change does not affect test results!

2015-08-30 new: Option "on Field win"

2015-07-14 new: random fields

2015-07-09 new: Longtime ranking in Top10 and Strategy Database

2014-11-10 changed: Some duplicate published strategies were removed.

2014-10-25 new: factorized bet amounts, SC differentials with optimize bets
from No. 78434 new tests

2014-10-12 new: Display of result history

2014-08-04 new: multiple Tests

2014-07-30 new: Display of bet volumes

2014-07-20 changed: the statistics of run time changes in the bet log is now set in the step view
from No. 62450 new tests

2014-06-28 changed: Accounting system was introduced. The service is now partly charged.
from No. 55207 new tests

2014-05-08 changed: Picture file type SVG
from No. 45047 new tests

2014-04-29 new: new run time chances, run time statistics in bet log, initial spins for every chance
from No. 43073 new tests - Attention this update affects test results of strategies with run time chances!

2014-04-10 new: Flowcharts

2014-04-06 changed: "+ on win"-Progressions are continued on win of 0 unit bets.
from No. 41020 new tests - Thanks to user Datalife007 for reporting this issue!

2014-04-03 changed: Bets with 0 units are no more counted as bets
from No. 40587 new tests

2014-03-28 changed: RNG is replaced by the more precise Abbreviation P-RNG
from No. 39443 new tests

2014-01-17 new: relative destination steps: above, below (was next before), this, last
All public strategies have been changed to the new version. This change does not affect tests!

2014-01-17 fixed: partially incomplete "+ on win" statistics
until No. 21961 potentially concerned Tests

2014-01-15 changed: Tests are terminated before reaching the loss limit.
from No. 21864 new tests

2013-10-20 new: average line for the balance - average conversion
from No. 9087 new tests

2013-08-15 new: on balance-function
from No. 4078 new tests
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