At you will find everything there is to know about Strategies for Roulette. Uniformly documented strategy tests allow you to develop an own in-depth understanding of the possibilities of the game. Result overviews with detailed graphical representations and flow charts show the specific characteristics of a strategy at first glance.
This is not an internet casino, but the only complete Roulette Strategy Simulation. You can simulate and evaluate roulette strategies - even your own - very quickly. But also find classics and new approaches directly via their test results.
"The bank always wins!" is probably known to the vast majority of players. The size of the stakes enables the player to have a significant influence on the outcome of the game. Known for this is the doubling strategy until the profit occurs, or the total loss through the limit. If you could increase the stake indefinitely, it would be an unbeatable long-term winning strategy. From which limits Roulette Strategies become lucrative, you can see in the strategy database, or summarized on the Pro Plan Information.