First of all thank you for your help.
My English is not perfect but I hope, that it will help to understand each other.

I really try to understand the program you use for the test, it looks terrible difficult for me.
I will ask you a last effort (try). There is some action in the protocol that I don't get right. I will give you an example.

The number 7 don't get hit for 120 turns in a row.
Then I place my first bet $1 on it.
I bet 36 time on it.
If I don't succeed, then I will bet 2 on him for 18 turns.
If I don't get it, I will bet 3 for 12 turns, and finally I will bet $4 for 9 Turns.
If I don't get it I will accept the $140 lose.

And I will track the next number that was not hit for 120 times in a row for starting over the process.
Normally on 200 hundred turn I can get 3-4 tries with different numbers.
Sometime I get to number in the same time, but I don't bet more than 3 in the same time.

On the laggard on single, I believe that some bet change before the end of the sequence.
I have seen a 24 bet change for a 17 without any reason.
There is another little problem many of the test, finish with a sequence of bet that was not conduct to his end.

If I play on a number, example (17), I will never stop the bet before the end, I will play bet $4 for the 9 time and after I will close a session.
The way it happens with the test actually I lose many times because i never get the chance to recuperate the money.

Don't get me wrong, you are a fantastic guy, and I cannot do what you are doing.
If I ask for help its just because I don't really understand the program,
I wish you the best.

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bet a number missing in 120 spins
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Hello komaster,
thank you very much for your effort to write in English language!
This will help a lot! ;-)

One important (but missing) information is, what happens, if there are two or more numbers missing after 120 spins.
This is, because the simulators function called run time chances is needed to practically simulate your concept.

As you want, the number shall be bet on after 120 (and more) spins missing until its coming,
this can be done by setting:
Single (Plein), Laggard < 1 with 120 initial spins floating.

But this functions needs your decision on how many numbers that fulfill these criteria should be bet.
As I suggested in one of the strategies, that I sent you, set "all"

If you do so, this has the advantage, that you can use the + on win - automatic progression.
If you set to "one", then you can set your specific progression easily by using the function on balance.
As I suggested in the other strategy.
The disadvantage is then, that you can not define which one, out of probably multiple numbers will be bet,
as this will be randomly chosen.

This is the practically way of setting your concept, i just want to mention,
that you could also create very many steps, that wait and filter the permanence "manually".
But I don't think, that this could be fun.

When you work with run time chances, consider to use the setting for statistics in the bet log.
And last but not least: you can find translations for the help topics also in french language.

Have fun, testing your roulette strategy concepts,
your Admin

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bet a number missing in 120 spins

I hope that you will excuse for my very bad English but I do my best.
Thank you for what you have already done.

I take a chance, I dare ask again for your help. You are probably a very bright man,
and I must admit that I don't figure out how working the program that you use for testing the roulette.
Don't believe that I was lazy, but i really not understand the program that you use.

Can you make adjustment to one of the program that you write for me.
The 120 on single is almost what i need for testing my system.

I resume what I want.
We bet a number missing in 120 spins a row.
If more than one number available, we play 2 number in the same time, not more than 2 in the same time.
If there is more than 2, example 4 number take anyone i don't care how you choice them at the condition,
that they met the previous condition of 120 turns without a hit.
It is very important that each sequence of bet that we start was do until the end. Win or loose.
If the program don't do that, it is useless, because it changes all the result.

step 1: 36 turn with one unity or until we win if not
step 2: 18 turn with 2 unity or until we win if not
step 3: 12 turn with 3 unity or until we win if not
step 4: 9 turn with 4 unity until we win or lose a total of 140 unit

I try to learn how to use macro and VLB in the excel program but i very far away to be able of do anything useful for the roulette.

Thank you for all
A french Canadian, very impress by your work. I wish you the best.

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bet a number missing in 120 spins
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Can you make adjustment to one of the program that you write for me.

You can do this yourself, just click [edit] (a green button), then you will see all available options.


If more than one number available, we play 2 number in the same time, not more than 2 in the same time.
If there is more than 2, example 4 number take anyone i don't care how you choice them at the condition,
that they met the previous condition of 120 turns without a hit.

As I wrote above, there are two relevant, out of three options:
- one
- all
(- !m, which is not useful here)

My advice still is:
Use *all* in combination with + on win-automatic loss progression.
That's the most effective variant.

This is a universal Roulette Strategy Simulator,
it can do a lot, but not everything.
And its not done yet... ;-)

Best regards,
your Admin

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bet a number missing in 120 spins