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(dynamic) run time chances are finally determined whilst the running test.

Possible run time chances can be:
- Favorite, field that occurred most often, defined by threshold
- Regular, field that occurred on average, defined by thresholds
- Laggard. Field that occurred least often, defined by threshold
- Last, field of the x-th number ahead
- EC/EC Last, the last (not = !) occurred contrary EC
- Sector, number with its neighbors in the wheel
- Hot and Cold fields, ordered by frequency.
Sample Image
Increasing frequency from left to right.

strategy tests

In the strategy tests these chances get marked with abbreviations.

When run time chances are used in a strategy,
it is important, to set the configuration to the own needs:

In the step view:

For every used chance:
- one - if there is more than one equal field, one is taken by random for the bet
- all - all matching fields will be bet
- !m - all not matching fields will be bet, opposite of all

The display of the frequency statistics for one bet type can be activated:
Show in Bet Log: Type

The quantity of initial spins defines the run time chances.
By changing that quantity you control the function decisive!

As an Example the strategy the Regular +
initial spins: Single: 100
the bet: Single: one, Regular (Favorite > 6, 2 > Laggard)

All Single numbers that have not shown up more than 6 times (Favorite > 6) and at least twice (2 > Laggard)
in the last 100 Spins (initial spins) are declared as Regulars.
If more than one Single number is included by this condition, then one is randomly taken and used as bet.

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run time chances