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As an example:
Sample Image

The red and green bars show the absolute result of each test. (in pieces /units)
Red stands for loss, green for win.

chronological history

The blue line shows the summed balances of the tests in chronological history.
The final value of the course (right side) defines the balance rating in the Top10 and the roulette strategy database.

The dashed black line shows the trend (extrapolated average) of the course.
The conversion of the final value of this line is the criteria of the trend rating.

The dashed black horizontal line shows the median (average) of the whole course.
It is the criteria of the median rating.

The dashed red line shows the house edge of 2,7% based on the bet volume.

The histories are floating ("rolling"),
with each new test the oldest test falls out of the calculation.

Beitrag melden
understand Histories